
Employment Application Form

Request for consideration for employment form

Name & Contact Information

What is the first date you would be available to start employment?

What is the last date you would be available for seasonal employment?

Address (Present & Permanent)
Present Address

Do you have a permanent address you would like to have on record?

Permanent Address (if different)
Personal Information

Are you interested in a Full Time or Seasonal Position

Have you been convicted of and/or plead no contest to a felony?

Please explain number of convictions, nature of offenses, how recently such offenses was (were) committed, sentences, and type of rehabilitation for each conviction. A conviction record is not an automatic bar to employment.

Employees must be 18 years of age or older to live in Company housing.

Employees must be 21 years or older for jobs requiring operation of certain vehicles or serving alcohol in lounges.

Spouse or Friends

* Information is needed to keep applications together throughout the hiring process. We have no facilities to provide housing for families with children under the age of 18. All residents of Company housing must be employed and be 18 years of age or older.

Drivers License & Vehicles
Employment History #1

Most Recent

Employment History #2
Employment History #3
Personal References #1
Personal Reference #2
Specialized Skills

In each area


Expiration date

Expiration date

That are relevant to positions being applied for.

Select Last Year Attended
Why the Soda Butte Lodge and Why you?

Please describe why you are interested in working for the Soda Butte Lodge and what attributes you can bring to the job.


I certify that the information provided in this application for employment is true, correct and complete. If employed, any misstatement or omission of fact on this application may result in my dismissal. I consent and authorize any individual, company or institution with whom I have been associated in any capacity to furnish direct to Soda Butte Lodge their record of my services, my reason for leaving their employ, whatever information they may have with respect to my character and reputation, and any other information they may have conferring me, whether it is a matter of record or not. I waive any application of the family education rights and Privacy Act insofar as the same might apply to responses for request for information concerning me. I realize and agree to hold harmless the individual, company or institution for all liability for any damage whatsoever incurred in furnishing such information. I agree to abide by all present and subsequently issued personnel policies and rules. I further agree to authorize the company to deduct from my paycheck any debts I may owe this company or amounts due for lost or damaged items for which I may be accountable. Agreement:

Print your full name as an acknowledgment that your application has been completed to its entirety.

By selecting "Yes, I agree" you are agreeing to the above agreement and that all the information provide is true and accurate.


Optional, Maximum size 10MB

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